What makes up the price of a multimedia booth?
Fair trade
July 29, 2024,
autor: Kamil Dudwał

What makes up the price of a multimedia booth?

You really want a multimedia booth for your brand. You're one step away from making a decision, and the only thing holding you back is the cost?

Find out what constitutes the costs of a multimedia booth, and most importantly, what you can gain from it.


We understand that the price of the booth may exceed your initial expectations. Therefore, we want to show what constitutes the real value of the booth, which often exceeds its cost. Allow us to present arguments that investing in a multimedia booth can be profitable:

Your gains

Your brand will be visible because a multimedia booth:


  • Will help differentiate your brand from the competition during trade shows and industry events. 
  • Will effectively attract the attention of potential customers. 
  • Will efficiently build awareness of the existence of your brand

You will maintain engagement


  • Thanks to multimedia elements such as touch screens and video presentations, you can engage customers in your story. You will achieve this in a way that is difficult with traditional methods. 
  • Effective communication of product and service information will result in greater interest and increased sales.


You will confirm your professional image

 • The aesthetics of the multimedia booth reflect the modernity and innovation of the brand.

• A striking exhibition equipped with new technologies favours the perception of the company as a leader in its field.

You gain long-term


  • The initial price may seem high, but the benefits are long-term. The booth will be used repeatedly during various events, which means that its real cost will be spread over time.

What's included in the price?


We know you have to watch the budget and the price impacts your decisions. That's why we openly discuss what affects the cost. We are willing to modify the offer and suggest price change possibilities.


We can tailor the offer to better suit your financial capabilities. This may include a smaller booth or limiting some features while maintaining comparable effectiveness.

Still have doubts or want to talk about our offer? We are here to help.


We invite you to contact us. Thank you for your attention and we encourage you to get in touch.

Thank you for your consideration and feel free to contact us....
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ul. Piłsudskiego 7, 32-050 Skawina
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