Before you decide to work with us, see selected examples of our booth implementations.
Berrylife booth - Event Industry Forum 2024.
Multimedia stand for the company Port Gdańsk
Multimedia stand for Classen company
Multimedia stand for the company NPA Skawina
Multimedia stand for Pereko company
Multimedia stand for Sunex company
Multimedia stand for the company Emiter
Multimedia stand for the company Stigal
Multimedia stand for the company QuickPack
Berrylife booth - Event Industry Forum 2024.
Multimedia stand for the company Ceva
Multimedia stand for the company Port Gdańsk
Multimedia stand for the company KGHM
Multimedia stand for the company SpotOn
Multimedia stand for the company Gilead
Multimedia stand for the company Port Gdańsk
Multimedia stand for the company Port Gdańsk
Multimedia stand for the company MongoDB
Multimedia stand for the company Port Gdańsk
Multimedia stand for the company MongoDB
Multimedia stand for the company Pereko
Multimedia stand for the company Port Gdańsk
Multimedia booth Berrylife
Multimedia stand for the company KGHM
Multimedia stand for the company Bilstein
Multimedia booth Berrylife
Multimedia stand for the company Gilead
Multimedia booth Berrylife
Multimedia stand for the company Top Online
Multimedia stand for the company Gazeta
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Wystąpił błąd. Prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny.
Location and contact
We're often out and about, so before you head over for a coffee, please let us know via email or phone.
Creative Department Office
ul. Podole 60 (KPT Office Building) 30-394 Kraków