A successful day at the booth – our four ways
Fair trade
September 26, 2024,
autor: Kamil Dudwał

A successful day at the booth – our four ways

Through the lack of a nail, the horse lost its horseshoe. Through the lack of a horseshoe, a horse was lost. Through the lack of a horse a battle was lost. Through the battle the kingdom was lost. And all because of the lack of a nail in the horseshoe.
Agatha Christie, "Come and Die."
In the confusion of events and the fever of planning, we sometimes miss small nuances that are ultimately of great importance.

That's why we've prepared below some valuable tips that, if followed, will help you get through your day at the fair as an exhibitor with peace of mind.

Preparing for a trade show takes a long time, requires a lot of work, and it's a shame to let a minor inconvenience ruin it.


We know this type of event from every possible angle, and know that it's best to learn from other people's mistakes. That's why we want to share with you our simple tips for a successful trade show day. Take advantage of our tips and focus on what's really important.

1. What to wear?


If your company doesn't provide for branded apparel, make sure the outfits at the booth are elegant and brand-appropriate.


A simple solution is pins or badges with the company name. Also, prepare in advance clothing that you feel and look good in.

2. High heels or flat shoes?


Shoes deserve a separate sub-item on this list. The footwear you will be wearing should be elegant, but above all comfortable.


You have many hours of standing ahead of you so ask yourself, how long can you last in stilettos? For trade shows of two days or more, take a pair of alternate shoes.

3. Strategic backroom


To keep your booth and its hosts looking beautiful and fresh for as long as possible, you'll need a few gadgets to keep you in shape. A place to store these essential items will prove useful. For this purpose, you can set out storage compartments on the stand or try to get space in the back room.


Below is a list of things you need to bring with you:

• Water supply (since many conversations have become dry in the throat)
• Trashcan (including bags)
• Handheld vacuum cleaner (to refresh the carpet)
• Cleaners and wipes (keeping countertops clean)
• First-aid kit (someone can always get a headache)
• Clothes hanger and rollers for cleaning clothes
• Locate a power socket to charge your computer or phone


You may also find them useful:
• Mirror and clothes steamer (a crumpled jacket should not spoil your mood)
• Quick snack (there may be little time for meals)

4. Trade fair must-have


It is also worthwhile to have with you items belonging to another category, i.e. gadgets that will support you in a substantive, effective presentation of your brand and product.

• Tablets or totems/multimedia tables are extremely helpful when talking to booth visitors. With them, you can make intimate presentations and never lose the thread.

• Stock up on branded goodies that you can give away. Ideally, that they be practical things, such as a bag (you can stash the rest of your promotional materials in it) or a pen (it's small and always good to have with you).

• Coffee, water, snacks - they will warm up the atmosphere at the booth and keep visitors for longer. Maybe a capsule machine will be a convenient solution?


Still have doubts or want to talk about our offer, We are here to help you. Feel free to contact us.

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