5 things you can’t forget at the start
July 9, 2024,
autor: Kamil Dudwał

5 things you can’t forget at the start

Where to start in planning an event?

Are you organizing a recurring event and want to take your audience to a new level of experience? Or maybe you’re hosting an event for the first time and are worried about a spectacular failure?

We know that regardless of your level of experience, you want everything to go smoothly. The multitude of factors to consider, the number of guests and speakers with their individual needs – all of this makes event organization a long and complex process.

We accompany our clients in their preparations and are aware of the most common obstacles. We want to share our observations and talk about the less glamorous details that are worth taking care of first.

It’s time for experiences that your audience will remember. Event planning starts with attention to the smallest details that make a big difference.

1. Start early and choose the date carefully


By planning ahead, you gain time to react in case of changes or problems. When selecting a date, be sure to consider the type of event and your target audience. Check if there are any similar events or holidays at the same time. Paradoxically, it might be worth considering organizing the event during the summer. Especially if these are strictly corporate events.

Firstly, many potential participants will have more free time then. Secondly, due to the lower number of such events in the summer, the costs of organization may be significantly lower. If you are inviting speakers, it is worth notifying them early so they still have free slots in their calendar or time to change their plans.

2. Promote the event


Organize the event and promote it simultaneously. The guests and invited audience are the main reason and goal of all your efforts. Therefore, it’s worth reaching out to as many potentially interested people as possible. Even before you start working, make sure to entrust the event promotion to the right people. This might require involving specialists from outside your company who can handle areas unfamiliar to you.

3. Do you know how much paperwork you need to complete?


Take care of your event from a legal perspective. Even if you are not organising a mass event, it is worth looking into what regulations the planned event is subject to? This is especially true for marketing events from the pharmaceutical industry, product promotions with alcohol or events involving children. It is beneficial and important to finalize agreements with partners and subcontractors working on the event. Such documents will set out your mutual obligations and perhaps protect the parties in the event of unforeseen difficulties.

Did you know that an underdeveloped brief can contribute to wasting as much as 1/3 of the project budget?

4. Get a team


Organising an event is a team sport. The ultimate success of the event is determined by the quality of the collaboration and it is worth ensuring that the team is carefully assembled. Proven experience and quality of communication are important criteria, whether you are engaging an announcer or a catering provider. Pay particular attention to whether the invitees are responsive. This can be crucial when the time pressure starts. Make sure you reach an agreement on aesthetics with those responsible for the creative layer. If you share common goals, it will be easier to develop a coherent, effective design for the scenery and visuals of your event.

5. Take time for a good brief


​Did you know that an underdeveloped brief can waste as much as 1/3 of a project's budget? This is what the authors of Betterbriefs, the largest report on briefs to date, have concluded. If you want an original event, taking place amidst spectacular scenery, remember that the information you include in this document will be key tips for our creative department. Ensure that the brief is consistent with your marketing strategy and includes references to your objectives and values. It is important to keep the balance between commissioning a specific service and the space for our ideas for your brand.

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