TPA - interactive presentation on touch screens
TPA - interactive videowall
TPA Institute for Technology Research - multimedia booth
TPA Institute for Technology Research - interactive wall


TPA Institute for Technology Research is part of the Starbag group, one of European leaders of the construction market. The company has already trusted Berrylife twice. First in 2011, when we were responsible for their stand at the Aggregate and Concrete Expo in Sosnowiec, and then in the following year, during the Concrete Days in Wisła.

Working for TPA was demanding, but for a completely different reason than usually. In our business, challenge is most often understood as complex handling of huge exhibitons. Frankly, this time it was the exact opposite. We had to face being really short of space, and the pavilions were supposed to stand out of the crowd of neighbouring installations, but still avoiding the feeling of clumsiness and overloading.

At the Aggregate and Concrete Expo we prepared a 25 sq m stand. We provided it with two interactive floors and a 138" videowall made of nine modules. Additionally, the pavilion was equipped with three 46" touchscreen displays. Each one of those elements was fully interactive. We had special applications prepared, with engaging presentation about the company, its services, and achievements. The pavilion made a real impact on the organizer - TPA won a prize for the most innovative fair stand. On the other hand, during the Concrete Days we needed only nine sq m. This time we used a much smaller, four-module videowall, and the touchscreen dipslay was built into the wall. Interactive multimedia let the visitors check TPA's catalogue and take a virtual walk around its labs.